I have felt more peace this month than I have felt in ages. I can tell because today is the first day that I woke up feeling sad in weeks. Aunt Flo is sure to arrive within the next day or so (the chocolate cravings have already begun), and it's just the bittersweet end of another cycle that has me feeling down.
But, I don't want to dwell on the sad things! Big and small things that have been good this month:
1. No medicine! It was really nice to take a break from that.
2. Surgery has been planned for next month! Husband and I are ready to find more pieces to this puzzle.
3. My birthday! Last year, I enjoyed my birthday a lot, but I was distressed that 27 was the age that my mother and Husband's mother each gave birth to us. However, 28 has no baggage for me. And, I got to celebrate with a nice dinner out with Husband and my coworkers spoiled me with cupcakes and flowers. It was a happy day.
4. November's Wine and Cheese Party! Every year, Novie and A. throw a fun party, and this year's was again delightful. I got to try lots of different wines and cheeses, and I rocked baby J in my arms until he fell asleep. It's so good to have the chance to love on a little baby once in a while.
5. The Great Books Project! A couple of years ago, two friends and I decided we wanted to read more of the "great books" in the world, so we chose a list of 100 Great Books and challenged ourselves to read as many as we could. We didn't get very far, but I recently decided that at least I wanted to start again. So last week I read Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather. It was such a beautiful book! The descriptions of the Southwest made me want to visit New Mexico, and when is the last time you read or heard anything that was respectful towards a Roman Catholic bishop? I was worried from the description that I would be bored, but reading it gave me such a peaceful sensation. I highly recommend it! 26 books down, 74 to go. Oh goodness.
6. Possible second job! Remember how much I love the cookbook store nearby? And that one of my crazy life dreams is to own a bookstore/pie shop? Well, the owner of the cookbook store told me that she expects to be expanding soon, and I was the first person she thought of hiring! Yes, that does go to show how much time I spend in that store. If it happens, it would probably start out as a weekend job, so I would stay in my current job, and maybe bring in a tiny bit of extra cash (if I don't spend it all on new books). The owner has big plans for the future and there may be more room for me in some of her endeavors in a full time capacity next year. Who knows if this will come through, but I'm really excited to have been asked and that there is a chance that I could learn about the bookstore business from the inside!
I keep reminding myself to say prayers of thanksgiving to God for all of these wonderful things that have made the last month so great. He is a shepherd taking good care of me!
Good things, for sure. How fun if you get to work in the cookbook store! And happy birthday!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! The cookbook store opportunity sounds great - I will keep it in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! mmmmm, cupcakes!
ReplyDeleteGreat positive attitude! Thatagirl!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! 28 is still YOUNG, girl!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're not the only one who compares themselves to their mom and when they gave birth to you / me. I'm so right there with you. :-)
Hooray for November's Wine & Cheese party!! That sounds really good ... that and baby rocking. Oh, so lovely!!
And HOORAY about the possible part time job! That really sounds AMAZING! God may just be saying "heck yeah, that book store / pie shop idea isn't a bad one! You're on the right track!" I hope you get to work there ... a discount on books, right?!?!?
Keep us posted on your surgery date ... we'll be praying for you!